Life has been busy the last few months as I've gotten back to some designing AND publishing work. I've spent most of my time since the 1st of May working on a new project which is finally complete and currently at the printer! I'm excited about it and have been since I first started thinking about it. I've designed 14 sea-themed pieces which have been charted, stitched, framed and/or finished in another way, photographed, laid out in book format along with some other writings, proofread, and delivered to the printer on Monday. The booklet is 28-pages and I can't wait to have the finished copies.
Fortunately I had the help of my friend Linda to stitch some of the models, and I was extremely happy to receive permission from an old friend to use one of his photographs for the front cover. As soon as I thought of the name for the booklet, I knew exactly what photo I wanted to use.
The title of the booklet is loosely based on Genesis 1:20, "And God said, Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." There are 2 different samplers in the book using a portion of this verse... I just love it (and I have a real obsession with seabirds, which is why I chose the title I did).
I'll be donating $5.00 from the sale of each book to the Audubon Society, to assist with their work in the Gulf of Mexico region. I'll share more once I have the copies back from the printer... and keep watch for a giveaway at that time!!
In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at the front cover...
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