Original Counted Cross Stitch Designs

Please visit my webshop, Of Generations Past, to see all the designs available with full descriptions. Many of my designs are now available through Hoffman Distributing, as well.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Five Doorprize Winners from the Online Needlework Show

I was going to select 4 winners, but I'm a day late so decided to select 5 names from all those who left comments on my blog during the show. 

I just sent emails to the five winners so they can select a free chart of their choice.  Those names are:
Carolyn, Pumpkin, Sean for Melanie, Stephanie and Tiffany.

Thank you all for the nice messages I've received.  I really appreciate each and every one!!

1 comment:

  1. Joann,
    Wahoo! Thanks for the contest. I will be sending you an email shortly. Congratulations to the other winners!
